dongdong(Picturesque Scenery of Dong Village)
2023年11月11日 靓嘟嘟
The photo, taken on August 12, shows an early morning view of the Huangdu Dong Culture Village in Pingtan Township, Tongdao Dong Autonomous County. The dwellings with the Dong ethnic characteristics were outlined against the surrounding lush mountains, green waters, and light mist, making a picturesque scenery. In recent years, the local authority has made positive efforts to enhance protection and utilization of ancient villages and explore the cultural resources of the local ethnic minorities, so as to promote development of rural tourism. (Photo/Li Shangyin and Shi Menglei)
The photo, taken on August 12, shows an early morning view of the Huangdu Dong Culture Village in Pingtan Township, Tongdao Dong Autonomous County. The dwellings with the Dong ethnic characteristics were outlined against the surrounding lush mountains, green waters, and light mist, making a picturesque scenery. In recent years, the local authority has made positive efforts to enhance protection and utilization of ancient villages and explore the cultural resources of the local ethnic minorities, so as to promote development of rural tourism. (Photo/Li Shangyin and Shi Menglei)
The photo, taken on August 12, shows an early morning view of the Huangdu Dong Culture Village in Pingtan Township, Tongdao Dong Autonomous County. The dwellings with the Dong ethnic characteristics were outlined against the surrounding lush mountains, green waters, and light mist, making a picturesque scenery. In recent years, the local authority has made positive efforts to enhance protection and utilization of ancient villages and explore the cultural resources of the local ethnic minorities, so as to promote development of rural tourism. (Photo/Li Shangyin and Shi Menglei)
The photo, taken on August 12, shows an early morning view of the Huangdu Dong Culture Village in Pingtan Township, Tongdao Dong Autonomous County. The dwellings with the Dong ethnic characteristics were outlined against the surrounding lush mountains, green waters, and light mist, making a picturesque scenery. In recent years, the local authority has made positive efforts to enhance protection and utilization of ancient villages and explore the cultural resources of the local ethnic minorities, so as to promote development of rural tourism. (Photo/Li Shangyin and Shi Menglei)
编辑:田梦瑶 吴雨霜(实习生)
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